Friday, January 27, 2012

"The Sound of Freedom"

Ok everybody, I'll now open with a classic blog opening.  I know it's been a long time since I've posted, so sorry.  JK.  I plan to post a more official post soon.  But I do want to post a poem that I wrote a few months ago.  Some of you may think ugh... Who likes poetry?  I do.  If you don't like poetry then go sort your sock drawer or something:)  If you like it, please leave a comment below and let me know what you think.  Here goes...  By the way I actually wrote this while deer hunting, anyways...

"The Sound Of Freedom"

 A stirring in the leaves
 A soft and gentle breeze
 The sun shines its golden hue
 And lifts the heavy morning dew
 The crow sounds it's morning call
 Among the colored leaves of fall
 The pale blue sky finally awakens
 And brings back the life that night has taken
 Oh to live in the midst of this paradise
 To see this place through my God's eyes
 No wonder the Lord said this was good
 When He gazed upon this wood
 How often we take for granted God's wondrous creation
 Caught up in the turmoil of this twisted nation
 But can we for a moment pause
 And hear the sound of freedom's cause
 The reason that men bled and died
 Over this land many tears they cried
 If we could remember again
 Our saviour's call and his mighty plan
 That we are the shining city on a hill
 That no cold wind of corruption can chill
 Now take a step back and hear the sound
 Of what freedom is really all about
 I've not heard that sound before
 Only the sound of man's awful war
 This sound is different that is for certain
 But let nature lift it's hidden curtain
 And hear the sound thats clear and true
 The sound that God made just for you
 It may be a soft and gentle breeze
 Or just a stirring in the leaves.

Hope you enjoyed it.  More to come soon.  Peace Out.


  1. That's really good!! I love the rhyming. I have such a hard time with that so mine don't usually rhyme! But I do have an app on my phone called Rhyme Free that really helps! :)

  2. While deer hunting? Nature is so inspiring! haha...Great poem!
